This & That

City of Chur awards scholarship for studio residency

The city of Chur awards the scholarship for the studio stay in Cairo for the period from August 2, 2022 to January 30, 2023 to the artist Joachim Dierauer.

The Cities Conference on Culture (SKK), to which the city of Chur also belongs, has a studio house in Cairo (Egypt) where three cultural workers from different Swiss cities can live and work simultaneously for three months. The visual artist Joachim Dierauer was selected for the advertised studio residency. Dierauer was born in Chur in 1971 and completed the preliminary course at the School of Applied Arts in St. Gallen from 1987 to 1989. From 1991 to 1997 he studied fine arts at the Hochschule der Künste in Braunschweig (Germany). In 1998 Dierauer completed a master class with J.M. Armleder. Since 2002, the artist has been running a studio for ceramics and painting in Chur and has been a member of the Haldenstein Castle Lithography and Etching Workshop since 2003. From 2005 to 2011 he created stage designs for InSitu Chur and was himself on stage as an actor. The city of Chur pays Joachim Dierauer together with the SKK a monthly contribution of Fr. 1'500.-- towards living expenses.


1998 Eidgenössischer Preis für freie Kunst, Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen
2000 Geometrische Variationen, Ölbilder, Klibühni, Das Theater, Chur
2002 Exhibition Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris
2006 Weisser Raum, Keramik und Film, InSitu, Postremise, Chur
2006 Print exhibition, Galaria Fravi, Domat/Ems
2010 Jubiläumsausstellung, 10 Jahre Lithographiewerkstatt, Haldenstein
2011 Print exhibition, Klibühni, Das Theater, Chur
2011 Stauseen, Ölbilder, Gerstlerareal, Pulvermühlestrasse 20, Chur
2014 Insights, double exhibition with Mathias Balzer, Galeria Fravi, Domat/Ems
2016 Dear Artist - Please disturb! Gallery Cuadro 22, Chur
2017 Group exhibition, Lithographiewerkstatt Haldenstein, Museum Sursilvan, Trun
2017 Annual exhibition Bündner Künstler, Kunstmuseum Chur
2018 Impressive Genova, Ass.Culturale "Librida", Genoa
2018 New works, Galeria Fravi, Domat/Ems
2019 Impressive Genova, City Gallery, Chur
2019 Bündner Werkschau, Haus zum Arcas, Chur
2019 Summer exhibition, Galeria Fravi, Domat/Ems
2019 Potpourri III, Galerie Loewen, Chur
2020 Print exhibition, Galerie/ Edition Z, (catalog)
2020 Bündner Werkschau "Kabinett der Visionäre" im Sennhof Chur
2020 Annual exhibition of the BüGraubünden Art Museum Chur
2020 Print exhibition "Print talks to", Haldenstein print workshop
2021 Times of light-footed step/ graphic/ printmaking, (catalog) 2021sigen Schrittts/ graphic art/ poetry, music, Galaria Fravi, Domat/Ems
2021 Annual exhibition of Graubünden artists, Graubünden Art Museum Chur
2021 Printmaking, exhibition of the Haldenstein Castle printmaking workshop, Chur City Gallery

Art awards/scholarships

1996 Preussag Stahl scholarship AG, Salzgitter/D
1997 DAAD prize for foreign students, HbK Braunschweig/D
1998 Federal prize for free art
2002 Vis Arte Graubünden scholarship in the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris
2002 Förderpreis des Kantons Graubünden
2004 Lithography scholarship of the Canton Graubünden in Berlin/Treptow/D
2012 Competition of professional cultural work, Canton Graubünden
2017 Studio scholarship of the city of Chur in Genoa
2020 Scholarship of Vis Arte Graubünden in the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Chur Kultur


Stadt Chur
Helena Mettler
Leiterin Kulturfachstelle
7000 Chur
081 254 44 10


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